Percentage calculator

Percentage Calculator

















Percentage Calculator: Your Handy Tool for Everyday Calculations

How to calculate percentages? With our percentage calculator, of course! Percentages are a fundamental element in many aspects of our lives, from financial planning for a mortgage or investment to statistics. The percentage calculator is a tool that brings simplicity and accuracy to your calculations. Whether you need to calculate a discount while shopping, interest on your savings, or analyze data, this online calculator is here to facilitate your work.

How Does the Percentage Calculator Work?

The percentage calculator is a user-friendly tool that allows you to perform a wide range of percentage-related calculations. Simply enter the basic values, and the calculator instantly provides accurate results.

Tip: Also try our unit converter or calculator.

Key Features of the Percentage Calculator

  1. Percentage Value Calculation: Determine what a specific percentage of a given number is.
  2. Finding the Percentage Difference: Useful for comparing two values and determining the percentage change.
  3. Converting Decimals to Percentages: Converts decimal numbers to percentage values for easier interpretation.
  4. Instantly Copy the Result: Allows you to easily copy and paste results into other applications or documents.

Why Use This Specific Calculator?

Our percentage calculator on is characterized by simplicity, accuracy, and speed. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for everyone, regardless of mathematical skill level.

Did You Know: The History of Percentages

Did you know that the concept of percentages dates back to ancient Rome? The word percentage comes from the Latin “per centum“, meaning “per hundred.” Historically, this method was used to calculate taxes and interests, a principle that remains important today.

The percentage calculator is an invaluable tool for everyday life and professional use. Its ability to provide quick and accurate results makes complex calculations a simple matter.

Calculating Percentages

Calculating a Percentage of a Total (e.g., of a price/amount)

Imagine you have $500 and want to find out what 20% of this amount is. In this case, 20% represents a fifth of $500. How do you find this out? Simply enter the total amount (500) and the percentage value you want to calculate (20%) into our calculator. The calculator immediately shows you that 20% of $500 is $100.

You can find this calculator right at the top of the page.

This process is very useful for calculating discounts, taxes, interests, or even for personal finance, where you need to determine what portion of your budget constitutes certain expenses. Using our calculator is an intuitive and efficient way to quickly get the results you need without having to perform complex mathematical operations manually.

Formula for Calculating a Percentage of a Total

Considering the previous example, the formula for calculating a percentage of a total or, for example, a price or some amount, is as follows: Result = (20/100) × 500 Calculating this, we find that 20% of $500 is indeed $100.

Percentage Calculator for Calculating Discounts

For instance, suppose you want to find the original price of a product now selling for $400 with a 20% discount applied. The original price of the product, before the 20% discount, was $500.

You can find this calculator at the bottom of the page.

Formula for Calculating the Original Price After an X%

Discount The calculation will show you what the original price of the product was before the discount was applied. This formula helps you understand how much you have saved when purchasing discounted goods. Original Price = Current Price / (1 – (Discount %) / 100) Original Price = 400 / (1 – (20/100)) Calculating this, we find that the original price of the product was $500.

List of Percentage Calculators on This Page

  1. What is X percent of number Y?
  2. What percent is number X of number Y?
  3. By what percent is number X more than number Y?
  4. Number X is what percent of number Y?
  5. Number X is Y% of what number?
  6. X / Y is what percent?
  7. By what percent is the second number larger or smaller than the first number?
  8. Number X decreases by Y%. What is the result?
  9. Number X increases by Y%. What is the result?
  10. An increase of X% from number Y is how much?
  11. A decrease of X% from number Y is how much?
  12. X% is what fraction in simplest form?
  13. The percent increase/decrease from number X to number Y is how much?
  14. Climbing/descending by X% is what angle in degrees?
  15. Climbing/descending by an angle of X degrees is how much percent?
  16. A product is now selling for X, with a Y% discount. What was its original price?